0 Go sportfishing with these weblog visibility tips

There are still people who think all you need to do is write the blog or set up the website and then sit back and wait like a happy fisherman on the sunny banks of a river filled with hungry trout. These folks think all the work is done once you've dipped these cyber ‘baits’ into the fast-flowing internet waters and they’ll soon start piling their catches on the bank beside them in the form of more business and/or followers.
Go sportfishing with these weblog visibility tips

That’s not the case. More experienced bloggers know that the work of getting noticed online only begins when the blog goes live. Here’s s few tips that will help your cause.

Show some interest

The old saying ‘what goes around comes around’ is true for you as a blogger looking for exposure. Commenting on another blog with a link back to your own is a great organic way of establishing links that work. Remember, though, that Google is watching and you need to fish for these links only in the relevant waters that apply to your topics. Using link farms might seem like a quick way to get you to where you need to go, but in the end you’ll be penalized for trying to automate the link building process.

Use email to your advantage

Got a big mailing list for your business? How about loads of friends from social media sites and other locations you can access? Both are great as vehicles for adding a blog post in your latest newsletters. Either use a url or embed the post in its entirety. An RSS feed will also automatically send your blog post to anyone that’s interested enough to sign on.

Syndication is like fishing with a net, but be careful

There are sites that will do the work for you and spread your blog net far and wide like Outbrain.com and BlogCatalogue.com, but you’ll need to temper your enthusiasm here. Google and the other search engines are onto people cutting corners and spreading out a blog too far in one cast can get you snagged on some duplicate content rocks.

Better to syndicate a blog the organic way and post it on Twitter, Facebook and any other social media sites you belong to. Best to play it safe here and rewrite the blog if you plan on using it more than once in its original form. Spending a few dollars to load up your Copyscape account and checking the blog will prevent any embarrassing penalties for having an illegal line in the water.

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