0 Optimize Your Dynamic Websites for Better Search Engine Rankings

Optimize Your Dynamic Websites for Better Search Engine Rankings

Some people think that powerful sites are not search engines look for motor friendly like Google or they cannot get top roles in major search engines. This is not right, powerful sites can be in much better roles in search engines relatively than fixed sites.

What is a powerful website?

A powerful website is data source motivated website in which parts of the content are produced by Hosting server Side Programs/ Middle Level.
Dynamic web site does not actually are available as a file/document on (hosting) server, unless the demand comes for a web site. The demand contains factors, customer details, date & time, perspective etc.

Problems with Dynamic Websites according to Search Search engines like Google

This is true that search engines are not good at studying powerful websites, but there is always a solution for any problem, first you need to know that why search engines cannot study dynamically produced websites? What affects them not to study powerful web pages?
  • Dynamic web site does not actually are available on server
  • Dynamic website has complicated URLs such as “ http://www.xyz.com?name=value&blabla%blabla@session_id@2226897&blabla=77
  • Search motor bots/crawlers usually have difficulty in studying these figures “?”, “=”, “@”, “%”, “$”, “*”, “&”, “!” in URLs
  • Search motor usually views powerful website as group of never finishing links
  • Search motor bots/crawlers might get trapped in an unlimited cycle, exclusively if the powerful web site has period id

Tips to Improve Dynamic Websites

Now you know what affects search engines look for motor bots/crawlers to catalog your website? What you need to know is that how you can keep your useful website listed by search engines, the more your websites are listed the better your website will make an impression on look for engines
  • Create an HTML sitemap with 100 backlinks or less. If you have more than 100 hyperlinks, break the sitemap into more than one web pages
  • Google Sitemap will also be an advantage, exclusively if your website is big and dynamic
  • Get back hyperlinks deep into your website from other appropriate sites such as internet directories, categorized internet directories, straight commercial portals
  • Convert powerful websites into fixed websites with the help of URL re-writing techniques
  • You can use some plug-in programs that will change your current powerful URLs into fixed ones, exclusively for shopping trolleys there are plenty of programs available
  • Avoid using period IDs in the URL, exclusively when customer has not signed in
  • If you do need to include factors, restrict it to two and restrict the number of figures per parameter to ten or less
  • If you do have little powerful website and plenty of your energy and effort you can apply this technique. Just right click on web page by web page of your website, duplicate the resource code and make new fixed web page with .htm or .html extensions

URL Spinning Methods and Tools

A reword motor is a piece of web server software program that is used to alter URLs before getting the asked for items for a variety of reasons.

Rewrite Engine for Apache HTTP server:

Apache HTTP server has a reword motor called mod_rewrite, which has been described as “the Europe Military blade of URL manipulation”

Rewrite engines for Microsoft’s Internet Information Hosting server (IIS):

  1. IISRewrite from Qwerksoft
  2. ISAPI_Rewrite from isapirewrite.com
  3. URL Replacer from Motobit
  4. Ionic’s ISAPI Rewrite Narrow (IIRF) (open source) from Ionic Shade

Rewrite HttpModule for Microsof company ASP.NET:

  1. URLRewriting.NET

Rewrite motor for Coffee 2 System, Business Version (J2EE) Servlet package servers:

  1. Apache Tomcat, Material, Orion etc)
  2. HttpRedirectFilter (open source)
  3. UrlRewriteFilter (open source) – allows you to reword URLs before they get to your Servlets, JSP’s, Struts etc
  4. URL Rewriter (open resource – LGPL) – URL Rewriter is a tool for rewriting URLs in Coffee Servlets. It is similar to mod_rewrite


Dynamic sites are not impossible to optimize, it’s just a little optimize that you need to keep in mind when creating a powerful website, if you can comprehend the issues search engines look for motor bots/ spiders have to face when creeping your website, you can better prepare your website, so that search engines look for motor bots/crawlers can easily catalog your useful website.
Optimize Your Dynamic Websites for Better Search Engine Rankings

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