0 Tips and Tricks to Remove Blogger Navbar

Tips and Tricks to Remove Blogger Navbar

What is Weblog writer Navbar and Why Eliminate It?

Blogger has got various functions of which one is a standard Routing Bar. It is a small remove on the top of your website in which there are many control buttons and a look for area. Most of the blog writers dislike the navbar. When you are writing a blog, Navbar can be useful factor, but sometimes, you discover it frustrating and you really want to get rid of it. The primary drawback of this bar is visible. If you have got a personalized style, Navbar usually doesn't fit in. The two significant factors to eliminate the Navbar are:

1. Your Weblog seems to be more expert 
2. It provides you with more area at the top for graphics

How to Eliminate It?

Most individuals who variety their weblogs on Weblog writer protest about the lack of ability to eliminate the blogger navigation bar via their components web page. Well, now if you still want to use blogger’s style and take away the blogger navbar then just adhere to the easy technique.

1. Sign in into your blogger blog. 
2. Go to style and simply just click Modify Html rule 
3. Now look for <b:skin><![CDATA[ and insert the following rule just after it.

#navbar-iframe { display: none !important; }

4. Preserve your blog writer design and you have handled it.

Tips and Tricks to Remove Blogger Navbar

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